Before Lockdown…

Off-site Project Gluttony – an art project proposed to Mardi Gras 2020Date: 25/2 – 22/3 Venue: 25/2 in Banqueting Hall of Chelsea College; from 26/2 onward in St. Saviour’s Church. Background: According to Chaplain Mark Dean and Father Matthew, Lent is about give and take, self-discipline, and preparation for Easter. In the past few years,… Continue reading Before Lockdown…

Curation and Collaborative work

“What would you do in your leisure time?” “I enjoyed a list of activities, cycling, reading, watching movies, hanging with my friends…Sometimes I work collaboratively with artists in art projects.” “Apart from being a participating artist of the group exhibition ‘Encounters’, I was also the curator. A ‘rebellious’ character was shared among my group. Then… Continue reading Curation and Collaborative work

Unit 1 Show

In his mind. 2019. Video, projection, screen and projectors, laptop, chairs and table. Variable dimension.

“How’s the protest going? Did anything break through?” “It is always the Hong Kong Police made things worse. They intruded two universities in Hong Kong.”  “Geez…Battle in university is unacceptable and unforgivable. What could we help those students?” “Tangible support is always the best. Apart from that, we need to inform as many people as… Continue reading Unit 1 Show

Group Exhibition – Encounters

“But I heard your Chief Executive had declared that ‘the bill was dead’, isn’t it?” “That’s true. But that is just one of our five demands.” “Hong Kong Police abused protesters during peaceful demonstration. Their brutality should be brought to justice.” “Pro-government people called us cockroaches, rioters. For over half a century, they were blinded… Continue reading Group Exhibition – Encounters

Off-site Community Project

An object found. 2019. Plastic, wallet, paper notes and ink on cards. Variable dimensions.

“I should revise my point about casualties in the protest. Hong Kong government and Police Force were hiding something from the public. Brutality of pro-government people and HK Police were far more serious than anyone could imagine.” “What do you mean by that?” “‘An object found’ was an off-site project. A crime scene was replicated… Continue reading Off-site Community Project

Departure Lounge

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“Where are you from?” “Hong Kong.” (look confused) “Hong Kong? Oh, it’s in China.” “Politically yes, but we are different from China. We speak different languages. We write different languages. We use different currencies. We use different passports and identity cards. We have different legislative, administrative and juridical systems. Capitalism is practiced in Hong Kong,… Continue reading Departure Lounge